Saturday, May 05, 2007

What a day, worked 8 hrs straight on a girls legs then stuffed myself senseless at macdonalds, bigmac and 'son of the mac' which is a mini version of the big mac. I nearly threw it all up but i'm not that precious.
Finally figured out the PDA ! haha.. i can get internet acess using mobile phone as modem and exported all my address and phone numbers etc from computer and entered all my appointments which will beep at me when it's time! all this without any fuckin instructions. Added bonus is i can carry all my photos with me so i can see the faces of my dear friends who are, distant and inbetween. Who would have thought i could be sentimental.

I bought books, iggy pop biography and fidel castro and religion and florence broadhurst biog. I've been reading myself into oblivion.


Kenyo said...

Oblivion perhaps but it is surely a high tech oblivion. All that programming and with no fucking instructions. Well done.

gav25 said...

good stuff mate - it's always a rewarding feeling when you can fix it without reading the instructions.


calm balm said...

well fortunately i could..hahaha.. i'm not very smart when it comes to electronic things.