Friday, April 28, 2006

I don't know where to start when i was staring at the end.
Yesterday was andrews last supper as he has flown out to tokyo now and then london for several years. All our closest friends were there at JuJu's whooping it up as Joan crawford once said.
We drank sake like it was coming out the and cold... i drank so much sake this morning my eyeballs were dehydrated.
It was sweet though.. all through this week it was sad goodbyes for him so to have a happy farewell was good.
We left soon after a bunch of drunk middle-aged americans started to sing karaoke, back to his place as a departure point/meeting point for it has been routine for years, we said our goodbyes to friends knowing it will never be the same again.
I hung round abit, he was going to austins to sleep before the airport tomorrow.. it was kind of awkward for us to say goodbye. We never really were emotive in our friendship.. we were just very good friends and i loved him as one because he wasn't afraid to be honest with every facet of his personality, no kid gloves just him and that i'm very grateful for.
When the car arrived we shook hands and laughed "cheers, it's been great, thanks alot" lol we quote so many people... as this was happening Deb messages me and i call her and had a brief but drunken converation.
As we were going down the terrace steps for a brief moment we recognised the emotional value that kept us close a realibilty and honesty that is so rare.
I ran out into the winters night and he into the safety of the yellow bathroom.

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