Saturday, November 12, 2005

Talk to me about the meaning of life.....

From roaches to hiccups in sobriety to elementals, perception is swirling up between my lips.

It's a disgusting habit, so is you.

And tomorrow i will sit with you and have political debates and artisitc freewill, an occasional mythology to keep step-ahead.

We become more than imposters but, poorly paid actors drowning in strange verses.


Anonymous said...

and I couldn't bed this one, even though he's not a cockroach, but because of his low-rise nipple positioning. I know that he wouldn't be interested in bedding me either, but now we're even.

calm balm said...

his nipples are that way cos he's tensing.. why am i justifying his nipple?>????? anyway.. this one has a great face.

boxen post a pic of ur ideal man ....

Anonymous said...

he does have a great face - it is the face of a lady's man or a man's man or a man's lady's man. a heartbreaker (for want of a better decription)

Anonymous said...

new post time, he's hacking my brain with each page reload.