Sunday, October 15, 2006

Friday - I had ramen and ice cream with Gav on friday after a day of shopping at Burberry and Louis vuitton and drinks with John.
Had a great time stuffing myself with so much food and it was a sexy 30'c so the city was smelling like sex.
Sort of.

Saturday - Work then dads birthday dinner. We ate hideous amounts of once live crustaceans and tropical fish with mouths gaping and then a coconut and almond milk sweet laced with red beans and sago balls. Ofcourse this resulted in indegestion all night so no sleeping , i watched 'project runway (via dvd from John) till 4am.

Sunday - Stumbled about in the morning back into Burberry to change the shirt . My father is fat.
So we spent an hour or two going through options, poor Nick however i think dads happy with the shirt he got . Next time, i'm just going to give him money.
Then we went round the city, mum got abit excited ar Salvatore ferragamo, had to usher he out before anymore damage could be done! Love the cute Swarovski baby animals, i was able to pick out the ones we ate last night. Anyway so cute.
Had lunch at Queen Vic. a bloody steak sandwich. Soon my waistline will rival my fathers.
Popped into Harnn & Thann for some gorgeous bath products.

I've been in shopping mode (again) lately, i guess that's my vice considering i don't do drugs or revolve round that 'hook-up sex' thing anymore. Kind of found it boring having sex with so many people yet i don't even remember their names. Ended up calling all the boys 'stud' or 'horse' or something mildy flattering.

I've been reading another person blog recently, i wont say who but they have met another blogger and well, it kind of ended in awkwardness . I guess because what we read on here is open to interpretation ofwhich varies greatly. What you see may not be what i see.
But it is great when you come across someone who is as down to earth and honest as this boy it restores some faith in the system.

By the way, why do people get intimidated going into shops like Louis vuitton and Gucci etc???? first of all they are shops that sell things, clothes, leather goods etc etc.. you have the right to go and browse, you are the customer and you pay their wages if you're buying. I'm often puzzled by surprise from friends about me going to those places. Some are too scared to go in, some get defensive about it but really it's insecurity they showing.
It doesn't matter what you wear or how you look, it's all about...attitude.

Walk in there like you own their ass and walk out with your head high.


gav25 said...

really honoured by the compliment dude. you made me smile. i'm really happy that i've made a friend in you.

PS - looks like your dad's birthday was a success then! good stuff buddy.

*thumbs up*

PS2 - that ramen didn't go down too well that night... ugh.


calm balm said...

lol really? u put too much chilli flakes ? Man.. you were shaking that chilli shaker like it was about to jizz! hahaha!