Sunday, July 02, 2006

Weekend was quiet, i got my crystal bits and been stringing them up for summer-neck-accesories, work was the usual, i had the moaner on saturday, she was quite vocal and i was feeling abit hung over so, it was a struggle.
Today i just cleaned my room and repotted some plants, all of my lily collection are gone, bleh, cost me a bit too but oh well but those stinky jonquils are popping up everywhere. Just took it easy, i've just been feeling low lately.
No news at all from Jamie, oh well, if i don't hear from him at all this week then i'll just not turn up at the opera house performance, i'm too old for pointless-ness and disappearing acts. Got dinner with Amy and fergus on friday night so that'll be fun and got to get back into the scene again, coffee, books,cigarillos and looking fantastic in skinny pants you know the deal.

I had a wonderful conversation with one of my indian clients on saturday, she lived in kenya for 10years and told me this recipe for henna hair dye. I love it when she wears her sari into the clinic. She just got her licence and i said 'revethi, you should race people at traffic lights" she just giggled.


gav25 said...

awww man.. that sux about Jamie.


lovin the lookin fantastic part - you made me smile =)

henna's great. i wanna get a henna tatoo (coz if my dad saw a real one i'm a dead man) at the back of my neck. i always get the fake spray-on one when i can =P


calm balm said...

how long does that henna tattoo last? how does it look when it fades though?

gav25 said...

it lasts for around 2 weeks, then starts fading into an orangish colour.

well, that the henna they use in indian weddings/ceremonies. not sure what chemical treatment they'd use in the tatoo parlours ...
