Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ah... i had the most heavy chocolate hazelnut thing with pete, it was so heavy i couldn't finish it... brilliant find boy!
We did glebe , flipped about, "dornn-gerously, call me bubbles!" i blew my big cigar , fuckin brilliant, i will only do cuban from now on. Again thanks to pete for his tolerance and non-fuss attitude.

I'm cranking franz ferdinand on itunes, i'm abit slow.. but i think it's a peppered attitude. Don't think i'll ever be the holistic-smily person.

We talked about blogging, some serious opinoins were expressed, ya wanna? do ya do ya do ya wanna?

i'm so chilled out i hope i don't fall asleep during birthday party dinner tonight, may wake up in a plate of abalone.

sunglasses girl...vaseline girl... blonde girl... swan-neck girl girls girls girls.... and waterloo boy...

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