Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What on earth has happened to my face?

Maybe it's the stress of dealing with le family who i only see once a year and realise each time how old i am, "i use to babysit you!" **runs away in horror**
I do believe it might have to do with a muscle relaxing cream i've been using which i was quite sceptical of but i like the cherry smelling cream. Ergh, after 6months i realised in photos i have this stoned/tired/fucked-up expression!! even if i move every other part of my face.
I''ve overdosed on muscle relaxing cream!!


Tea-cosy said...

Happy festivities to you too dahl...
and I'd defintely loose that muscle relaxing cream, cos its kinda weird.

calm balm said...

thanx pet! hehe..

gav25 said...

LOL you're a crackup! =)
