Friday, September 01, 2006

It's been a stressful week so much so i can feel the tendons in my neck. If i was a whore i'd be sewing up my hymen just to special, again and again and again....
I had to go and "promote" our business, i mean yer sure get other businesses to make business for you, what a great idea.
Like they don't have anything else to do.

Stupid idea alert!!

Anyway so i did it with Karen who wanted to be anywhere else other than venturing into hairdressing salons with too much attitude and no customers.

Then Tuesday was bonkers, it's bonkers when you go into the clinic and smell bleach and bloody meluca-sage cleaner. Some serious shit went down.

Wednesday i had the usual, i'm eating whole freggin chillies nowadays, you figure.

Thursday, even though i mosey in at 4pm the shit hit the fan in delay so i was amongst it. Alot of angry whispers to which i placate with calm smiles (i looks stoned but hey, it beats looking angry, i can't afford the wrinkles) and i had some indian spicy soup at kino. which actually tasted quite nice but was abit too spicey. My face was red when i climbed 4 flights of marbled steps.

Friday, i had yum cha today which was nice and scampered through spotlight for pliers, wires and eyelet-pins.

I haven't smoked all week and i'm feeling it.

Sunday at Glebe Pete??? chocolate cake and smokes? god, i remember that time when i blew that huge cigar, freaked everyone out..haha.


gav25 said...

damn buddy you need a holiday...

.. or that cigar =)

word of warning when yur eating spicy stuff next time: don't have any fizzy drinks with it. oh, the PAIN!

take care dude.


calm balm said...

thanks ;)

i need more than a holiday, i need a long fuck.


gav25 said...

amen =p
