Wednesday, August 31, 2005


...parramattaguy...: hi
...parramattaguy...: can iask u something
...parramattaguy...: would u have sex with an
older guy for $
...parramattaguy...: Im 43gwm
eucharist: thanx for the offer but i dont think i can claim u on tax
...parramattaguy...: ok
...parramattaguy...: well have fun
...parramattaguy...: bye

i swear, my blog has decending into a cesspool of mind-cramps.

So sorry for the content these days.

i was sick with flu the past week although that should actually enhance my creativity but i've been slacking.

need to get back to my art... want to move more into de-visualising objects and scenes.... trying to figure out some decent weekend outfits haha.
saw palindromes last sunday, exceptionally funny.

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